Sunday, August 5, 2007

Show ^

whoa!!! Identity check...Back Home, The Van-groove...smooth sailing it's almost too easy to come back to the city that I grew up in, especially when I'm returning from the city that chose me to grow through her, and it may have only taken 6 weeks for the hyper experience of HongKong to be infused, like Neo, being planted with new "Super Skills", I promise to extend those "Super Skills" into tangible's one of those things that's already done, all we have to do is keep showing up.

Which brings me to the topic of the 1st GobeeFree blog that is being typed from Canadian soil. Showing up, there's allot that is said about "BEing present", all valid, all potent, all true; yet all way over the head of about 87% of the population. Now this is a full editorial, so click on the comment page and speak, cause silence is reserved for meditation retreats, and even there it's boring, with that said whether anyone at those retreats knows what it means to "be present" or not, they have already done their work, why? simply by the action of showing up.

So the work, becomes just that, to simply show up, no matter where you are on your path, you may not even know that you are on a path, but as long as the showing up continues, the growth, the expansion is approaching, straight ahead and like a bullet screaming "duck!", you can't avoid it.
So relax, and give into the mat, give into the power, surrender, and please for the love of GOD, give up your ego's need to be a Leader, we all lead by example, we all lead by living our truth, and we all lead only when we step so far back that we can empathize.

To lead one must forever learn how to follow, and then follow forever, because the intoxication that power brings also keeps one from "being present", and we come full circle; without the presence of the moment, you may just stop showing up.

Speaking of showing up 11 yogis showed up to explore themselves, in a way Ysquared has yet to offer until now... The Progression Session "I got you babe" kicked off this afternoon, asking students of yoga to enter the revealing realm of the mat and find where they stand in partnership, where they see themselves in others , and ultimately how deep can one go and remain in a state of joy, while sharing the experience with a fellow yogi, a fellow human being, and a fellow shower upper.

Like a cowboy returning to the west, the Red Sea cleared and Neo BEcame the ONE, simply by showing up, leaders aren't chosen, they aren't even called upon, they simply rise to the top; once they settle at the peak they are truly tested, by BEing the follower, they have the chance to LEAD by example, and all it takes is to show up.

GobeeFree 11:52pm van BC AUG 5 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I like this post (as with the others). I've worked in management positions before but never really liked the concept of being a manager. It always felt like an act or a lie somehow, like the role forced me to artificially feel and behave differently to those I was managing. You're totally right, leading should be something that's organic and not driven by ego.

I also like the idea of beginning the process of learning to be more present by just showing up. The being present might feel so difficult sometimes but showing up isn't.